Monday, February 28, 2011

First day, First show!

To introduce myself to those who don't know me: I recently watched a movie, 'Julie and Julia' and got inspired to start blogging. Sometimes it takes a lot of pushing to get me to do something...let's just say, I somewhat suffer from ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). I can never get around to complete something I've started. This is going to be a first for me.
I'm still not sure if I want to maintain a single theme for my blog or just write about random stuff that interests me and hopefully my readers too...I'll keep you updated on that one.
Well, as of now, I finally got done with my work for today. Working from home, most would think, is easy but trust me, it's not. There are tons of distractions, the biggest one being Facebook! I'm sure you could've guessed that one on your own.
Working from home is like being your own boss. You dictate and command yourself to start work at a particular time, take a water break/loo break/TV break/phone-call break/cooking see what I mean! :-)
And besides, who said working from home was a better option because you'd be able to catch up with friends and go out for movies and lunches more often. Not everyone is as 'lucky' as me to sit at home all day. I try my best to keep my evenings busy but then again, how much am I going to spend?!

Moral: It's a lot tougher to work from home.

Until my next post, I wish all of you a lovely evening!