Thursday, June 23, 2011

The 'waiting' period

Patience with others is Love, Patience with self is Hope, Patience with God is Faith. 

In life, there are so many waiting periods that we go through - waiting for a job, waiting for that first salary to get transferred to your account, waiting for her/him to say the big 'YES', and so on. For me, the biggest and most painful wait has been the first one - waiting to get a job! And mind you, not just any job, a job which offers you the right package.

I know there are so many people who go for dozens of interviews all the time and sometimes have to wait for long periods before they find 'THE JOB'. It's really tough out there - in the big bad and sometimes- not-so-bad world. There are all kinds of people with all kinds of degrees and skills clamouring for the same job. How do you reach the top of the pile? Well, it's all about patience, endurance and taking up the challenge. No one said it would be easy, that is why 'patience is the mother of all virtue' :) (it's one of the toughest virtues to attain). But, you just have to 'believe'; believe in who you may ask...I'd rather say, believe in God. He's the only One who can take you to places you could never go yourself.    

I came to Bangalore exactly a month ago, not knowing whether I had still had my job or not. I hadn't been paid for two months either. I had three examinations left to give, after which I officially became an MA graduate. And then came the big worry - I need to find a job! But first, I need to know what's happening with my current one. I made calls, sent out emails, type text messages, but got no response from the other side.
I sat for many days while everyone else around me was going to work. I got tired doing nothing. Finally, a very close friend of mine helped me get out of bed and said " I'm sending you a database which I put together, send your CV to all of the email IDs and more too". I was a bit confused as to what I wanted to do. I know it's a good thing to keep your options open and test new waters, but I also wondered, " Shouldn't I be knowing what I want to do by now?!" Anyway, after my IPL experience, I was interested in going into the events line. I even went to four or five event management companies but wasn't happy at all. This was me till I got a call from a large global media buying agency which is one of the top agencies in the world. I was totally taken aback and then thought to myself, what the hell! I'll give it a shot. Went for the interview the next day, waited for a week wondering what was happening and then finally went again today to know that 'it's on' and that they're waiting to receive my letter from the head office. Oh and by the way, this I have to mention ;) - I wanted to join a company that had a proper office - you know, the brightly lit, looking fancy, central air-con, centrally located type... you get the drift right? Well, this one is exactly like that! It was all completely unexpected from start to end.

 Always remember to trust in HIM and yourself and TIME too. The best things in life never come easy.

Anyway, to end this really long account :P I waited and got sick of waiting, (even though it was'nt thaaat long), but I finally came very very close to finding what I was looking for. Now, I'm just waiting to seal the deal.
Wish me luck! :) ;) and see you around soon.

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